Tree Felling and Removal

There are many reasons that trees are felled, they may be dead, diseased or dying. They may be too large or unsuitable for their location, or they may be causing damage or danger to surrounding properties. Whatever the reason for removing a tree, it is essential that the works be carried out by a qualified, experienced and insured tree surgeon with a fully qualified and equipped ground crew. Even in its simplest forms, it can be a complex, time-consuming and hazardous task.

Dead - Wooding

Dead Wooding is where branches or limbs die off within a tree and can either break off or become vulnerable. These limbs can then fall over time or during periods of high winds and storms. If dead limbs are left, they will affect the overall health of the tree as rot can set in and spread to healthy areas. This can eventually lead to fungus issues and further damage, rendering the tree beyond help. Dead wooding is mainly used for safety and for the continued health of a tree, though there are other benefits too. A lot of dead wood in a tree reduces it’s aesthetic appearance and this in turn reduces the amount of light that can pass through and makes the tree more susceptible to high winds.

Tree Pruning

Pruning a tree involves removing specific branches or stems. Pruning benefits all aspects of the tree’s health and well-being and prolongs the lifespan of the tree. Such treatment includes the removal of dead, damaged and diseased branches to help aid the prevention of insect & decay organisms from entering the tree; which can eventually lead to fatal implications towards the trees health.

Hedge Cutting

We cut all sizes and varieties of hedges, all waste is taken away and annual cuts can be arranged.